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Selectboard Meeting - June 14th, 2023

Wed June 14th 2023 at 01:00 PM
Town Hall Administration Office
111 River Rd
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Open meeting
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Review and/or approve minutes
  4. Review and/or approve Annual Town Meeting minutes
  5. Vote Selectboard Officers (Chair/ First Vice Chair/Second Vice Chair
  6. Meet w/Planning Board on appointment of new member to Planning Board
  7. FY24 Municipal Appointments
  8. Review and/or approve Sewer Commitment to the Treasurer for payment to North Adams
  9. Interest on incorrect billing waiving
  10. Discuss/review and/or approve resolution regarding mattresses and paint products
  11. Discuss and/or approve Historical Commission tag sale with location
  12. Discuss and plan formation of Agricultural Commission
  13. Discuss and appoint members to the 225 Committee (formality)
  14. Cross Road Bridge
  15. Update on Millard ave auction
  16. Discuss recent heavy rainstorm and town-wide effects
  17. Assessing plan moving forward
  18. Visiting/measuring and inspecting each house over next 2.5years
  19. School Lift
  20. Meeting with State Officials
  21. Middle Road update
  22. BRPC agreement to apply for net-zero emissions for Muni Bldgs
  23. Grants (MVP/Digital Equity/MTWP/Broadband/MASSWorks /EMPG/ etc…
  24. 225 Committee
  25. Website
  26. Peter Cooke Memorial Field Pavillion rental
  27. Discuss meeting times
  28. Discuss, view and/or approve relocation of AA to lobby
  29. Unfinished business